

Welcome to my personal website where I post all the stuff I do, I hope you enjoy my website!
Everyone knows me as Horu, I love tech and programming efficiently
You can hover the pointer over the images to see their name

Languages I have the most experience on

clanguage cpluspluslanguage nasmlanguage bashlanguage jslanguage tslanguage pythonlanguage sqllanguage

Most of my time I'm working on C and C++ for my personal projects, these are my favorite programming languages

Languages that I kind of know of but don't work on them most of the time

javalanguage csharplanguage phplanguage lualanguage ziglanguage

I've used these languages a little bit, I'm not so advanced with them
I could say in some posts why I don't like some of these

Distros/OS I've used

mintlinuxdistro debiandistro archlinuxdistro artixlinuxdistro gentoolinuxdistro freebsdos opensusedistro

This list arranges from the easiest distros to the more complicated distros/operating systems

My favorite ones are FreeBSD, Debian and Gentoo

Some web technologies I've used

angulartech vuetech reacttech nodetech jquerytech expressjs sass webgl

These are some of the technologies I used in the academia and personal projects as well
I can say the most complicated one is WebGL

Other technologies/stuff I've used

mongodb postgresql mysql git docker cmake opengl sqlite

Here are more of the technologies I used related to databases, sysadmin, besides others